How to Get Family Photos You Love

family photography, photo tips

Want to know a super top secret for how to get your family to relax and take photos that you want to hang all over your walls? Let me back up a few steps. While I always get those shots of everyone posed and looking at the camera with smiles, I also give my clients […]

Beach Photo Tips | Atlanta Area Photographer

beach photo tips

  Tips for Taking Photos at the Beach It’s that time of year when we all toss our worries away and head to the water to sink our toes in the sand and relax! Or…if you have kids like me, it would be more realistic to say it’s that time of year when we load […]

How to Look Your Best in Video Calls | Atlanta Photographer

Look Your Best in Your Next Video Call Thanks to Covid-19, we are spending a lot more time on video calls for both work and our family/social lives. I’m going to share some quick tips for how to look your best in these online calls! You can also apply this knowledge for taking selfies, family […]

How To Shoot in Manual | ISO Tutorial

ISO Tutorial

Today is the third and final post in my “How to Shoot in Manual” blog series.  If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Part 1, which not only covers shutter speed, but also sets the foundation for this series and the importance of learning to shoot in manual.  You can also read Part […]

How to Shoot in Manual | Aperture Tutorial

Aperture Tutorial

Welcome to part 2 of the “How to Shoot in Manual” blog series.  The first post in this series served as an introduction to the importance of learning to shoot in manual and also covered shutter speed.  Click here to check out that post! Remember,   as you learned in the first blog post, there are […]

How Shoot in Manual Mode | Shutter Speed

shutter speed tutorial

Did you know, before I was a photographer, I was a teacher?  I have a degree in education from UGA and in my past life I taught 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade.  In 2019, I combined my two loves of teaching and photography and offered two beginners photography classes.  I absolutely loved doing this, […]

Two Simple Tricks to Get Kids to Smile for Photos

How to Get Kids to Smile for Photos

How to Get Kids to Smile for Photos We’ve all been there.  Maybe its a special event, or maybe you just want to grab a sweet pic of your kids with your phone.  The moment the camera comes out, someone starts crying, or grimacing, or they all run away!  This is one of the biggest […]

How to Make Yearly Photo Books without Getting Overwhelmed

I have a confession.  I have never finished a baby book.  I had the best of intentions to do it for my first two children.  I bought one of those cute baby books with blanks to fill in, and special spots for a photo to be attached.  I took plenty of photos of my children, […]

What to Wear for Family Portraits

Your children are growing and changing so quickly! So that means the time for updated portraits is here!  And along with it comes what many find to be the most frustrating part of the process…finding what to wear! Dressing your family for portraits does not have to be a terrible experience. As a family photographer, […]

Behind the Scenes | The Programs I Use to Run My Photography Business

Tools for running a photography business

*If you want my discount codes…I give you permission to skip down the bottom of this post!* Today’s blog is more of a peek into the programs I use behind the scenes to keep my business running.  This is very important to me, because not only is each an investment for my business, but each […]